Start next course: April 21, 2021
This two-year specialist and vocational professional training comprises the Basic Year and Master Year of Voice Dialogue & Transformational Psychology. Both years can also be followed separately.
The objective of the training course is learning to apply and master the adopted principles of Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology. Participants learn to coach clients with a variety of questions in their personal transformation process, in an individual as well as in a group setting. Participants become aware of their own abilities and limitations.
For who?
The training course is suitable for experienced process guides (psychologists, therapists, coaches and trainers). They all at least successfully completed a thorough basic training course and have at least two year’s of work experience.
Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP
Participants who, after the two-year training course, want to be added to the Register Master of Transformational Psychology, and want to use the abbreviation MTP with the corresponding logo, must take a theoretical and practical exam at the end of the Master Year.
In the event of a pass, inclusion in the register on this website is possible, where your personal profile page will make you easy to find for potential clients.
Reaction Hilde Zuurman – Homan, relationship therapist
I chose this training course very consciously. The approach, methods and techniques used are clear and diagnostic while working with it simultaneously creates unprecedented depth due to the major energetic aspect. With amazement, I experienced how Voice Dialogue, focusing, visualisations, dreams and daydreams, breathing techniques, body work, constellation work, relation work, creative methods, etcetera, are perfectly integrated in a beautiful way.
Perhaps even more importantly: I am now increasingly experiencing the ability to consciously think in polarities and act from an Aware Ego, as an approach to life rather than the use of a method. A life-chancing training in both professional and personal level!
Read this Voice Dialogue E-book for free!
this e-book helps you to:
All trainings are provided by Institute for Transformational Psychology (ITP)