In my work I take depth and a healing, transformative strength with me. I don’t only focus on what isn’t going well, but also on the mainsprings and creativity that often turn out to have been hidden in deeper longings. I work with inner knowledge as much as possible as well as with the locked potential of people who come to me. They come for support, clarification, healing and deepening current topics and questions they have.
Fed by personal experiences and trained in several disciplines, I combine and integrate content in the field of psychology, therapy and spirituality and align this to the world of my clients.
I work in the Netherlands and southern Spain. In the Netherlands I do this for several clients and varying locations.
In Andalusia I live and work in an archaic, agricultural area situated in the unique, quiet and magical Altiplano of Granada. Together with my partner I manage an area with more than 300 olive trees, tranquil places and beautiful sights. In this region of cave dwellings we realised two comfortable apartments for guests. For people who want to or need to take a step back from their daily worries and require time and space for themselves or their relationship.
Apart from the possibility of spending the night here and exploring the attractive environs, I offer several types of retreats and nature quests that are often tailored to the individual. Supported by and embedded in the original and pure strength of nature, this is the perfect location where I can unite my psychological work and aspects of the spirituality of the ancient knowledge of primitive society. Individual and/or relationship processes are embedded more deeply and fit in with a more natural, rhythm and Being.
More information about Maria:
Recommended by Hal & Sidra Stone, developers of the Voice Dialogue method,
Maria Daniëls is a master teacher. She puts depth and ripeness in everything she does. This doesn’t only come from her studies, but also from a wide variety of life experience. She has led a full, and fully examined, life. Maria has worked with our Voice Dialogue training sessions as a senior member of staff for more than 20 years. Her teachings and guidance are both excellent.
Hal: “You have this special gitf with vulnerability”.