
Daydreams are the most common form of altered consciousness. Consciousness is simply our level of awareness of what’s going on around us and in us at all times. It’s a level of our alertness.“

The unconscious is our ally. It gives us night dreams and it gives us daydreams.  

So again from the  perspective of the Psychology Of Selves, we are at the centre of all our selves. So that is not far away. So the step to our daydreams is not such a big step. In our daily life we are identified with our primary selves. Which we think is I, we call that the operating ego. The unconscious is the combination of our primary self that is driving our car. And then we have this beautiful outlet where we can escape. And this is our daydream. It is interesting to watch our daydream. The daydream is actually our disowned self. They find an expression in a relatively safe way. When I am in my car for example on the freeway, and somebody is overtaking me and is chopping me off. I can have the idea of overtaking him and chop him off and drive him off the road. We may not think much about it, but this is actually a daydream. And this goes on the whole day long. When we are in a conversation,  or leaving a meeting. Going home, replaying the meeting and saying what we really want to say, this is also a daydream. So a very nice exercise is to write down your daydream. Sometimes the daydream is going on the whole day long. Some people have recurring daydreams.

I worked with a woman, with a responsible job, also mother running a household. And she had the recurring daydream of living on a Greek Island. And I did a session with her, and I had a dialogue with her ‘Greece’-Voice. We went to that part in a separate position. It was a very vivid composition, she was there everyday, it was very peaceful. A simple kind of life, near the sea, pure olive oil, balanced, in touch with the earth. And she started crying. And I asked ‘what is going on?” And she said, this part really wants more, it wants to be there. And not alone in the daydream. We went back to the middle position, and found out that the primary self of taking responsibility was so strong that there was no space whatsoever to pay attention to the ‘Greece’-voice. So when she was in the middle position she looked to a way to find out how to deal in a responsible way to handle the daydream. She ended up by keeping a little garden near the city where she could grow things. It was not a Greek Island, but it was honoring the part of the daydream, the disowned part that could only come to her by the daydreams. It is a wonderful mechanism, the vintile function, look at your phantasies, look at your daydreams, it may point to something out of balance that is crying for attention. And if you look through the spectacles of the Psychology Of Selves. You may be surprised that this part comes up as part of a daydream.  So write down your daydreams. And when you are with a partner, share it with them.