“In voice dialogue it is clear that there is in the universe, and within each of us, a deeper intelligence that can be ignited as we begin our journey of personal discovery. Once this intelligence is activated it has the possibility of becoming an always available friend and teacher to us.” Hal and Sidra Stone
Summary video
In Voice Dialogue we learn that we are not alone in our journey of exploring the unconscious. We do not have to do it all by our (conscious) selves. We have the company of our inner teacher, the dreamweaver or dream-master. This is the intelligence that knows where we are in the process.
The dreamweaver can help us to understand our dreams. It can show us the parts of us that are not integrated: our disowned selves. Jung calls this the principle of compensation.
It’s purpose is to balance the psyche.
There has to be a little opening, as an entrance to the unconscious, for the dream to come through. And Voice Dialogue can open that door to the disowned selves, the suppressed parts in the dreamers’ psyche. Understanding the signs that the dreamweaver gives in dreams is also a creative process. In the individual transformational process the dreamweaver often uses more dreams indicating different stages of integration of the disowned selves. The dreamweaver can give the dreamer feedback not only at the beginning but during the whole process.
A dream at the beginning part of this process is called the initiatory dream.
Let’s look at an example that can illustrate different phases of integration of the disowned
The dream process can be divided into a few stages; there is an initiation-dream, as a compensation, there is the feedback stage and then at the end there is an integration-dream.
Different themes that can come in our dreams, such as vulnerability, power, creativity.
It can be quite enriching to share your dreams with a partner. Also it is very useful to make a dream journal for yourself.
It may be difficult to look at your own dreams and to interpret them. But when you can. Dreams play an important part in the Psychology of Selves. When people begin to develop an Aware Ego Process and are able to stand between opposites, the nature of their dreams begins to change. They become clearer. They become more organized. The intelligence of the unconscious begins to manifest in a powerful way, and the dream process itself is becoming the teacher for people. We become friends with the unconscious.
The principle of compensation means that Disowned Selves manifest in the dreams of people, animals, objects with whom we are having difficulties. Sometimes these energies attack us, follow us, try to break into our houses, etc..